- Promote the study of the Assyrian language and culture worldwide.
- Promote all kinds of activities conducive to promoting the development of the artistic, historical, linguistic and sociocultural heritage of Assyrian society.
- Promote research in comparative studies in Assyrian language, literature, and history.
- Support and develop academic activities to publicize the historical and cultural richness of the Assyrians.
- Support the dissemination of the modern Aramaic-Assyrian language through research work in different modern languages where there is an Assyrian community.
- Strengthen the bond between the different Christian communities of the Assyrian people through forums, congresses, and international seminars.
- Seek financial means to offer scholarships to offer the new Assyrian generation the opportunity to learn about their historical, linguistic and socio-cultural heritage.
- Finding the means for the Nineveh Academic Chair which should offer all kinds of academic activities, face-to-face and virtual courses on the language, literature and history of Assyria.
- Encourage the creation of the Assyrian Academy of Sciences to develop and create the different working groups that must ensure the preservation and development of the Assyrian language, history and culture.
- Promote the creation of a scientific research journal on the Assyrian language and culture.
- Support the development of projects that Assyrian intellectuals or those related to the Assyrian cause intend to carry out for the reconstruction of Assyrian society abroad and within their ancestral territory.
- And, in a generic way, carry out as many actions as are conducive to the best achievement of its purposes.